
30 Days Of Gratitude – Day 16 – My Favourite Part Of The Evening

Day 16 of my gratitude posts. I love this topic already!

My favourite part of the evening. Sunset! I love sunsets.

I loved watching them from my old place. I still love watching them but only now I have to walk down to the beach to watch the sunset and I am almost always busy around that time. I miss the colours of the sky. Hues of purple, pink and golden orange. Summer sunsets and October sunsets are my favourites.

I think summer sunsets are magical. As for October, it’s the start of the next season. Monsoons generally end with September and October feels so fresh and wonderful. The weather is warm again and everything seems so cheerful. There’s so much greenery. The sea is back to being clear blue. What’s not to like?

Every single time I watch the sunset I feel like hope is born. Tomorrow is another day to make new mistakes and learn new lessons.

The sunsets from my childhood were enchanting. I would prop the ladder against the wall and climb up on the roof, sit on the tank and stare out at the horizon. I could see ships sailing, trawlers that looked like tiny dots on the golden ripples making their way to the shore. I could see the fishing boats that looked even smaller than the trawlers. How I loved these moments. I would soak in the moments. The sky would blaze a bright yellow and fade into pink, orange and purple hues. I felt as if I was in heaven.

Sometimes I would go to the cliffs with my friends and we’d watch the sunsets from there while sitting on the fort wall which was in ruins then. We’d head home before darkness fell. We had to be home before dark. I have to say that these were by far, some of the most wonderful moments of my life.

Sunset always brings new hope. Tomorrow is just another day!


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